steve novick

( sculpture home )

( sculpture 03 – 04 )

steve novick five sculptures 2004
steve novick painting iv 2004
steve novick painting iv 2004
steve novick horizontal sculpture 2004
steve novick horizontal sculpture 2004
steve novick notes for correction 2004
steve novick notes for correction 2004
steve novick painting iii 2004
steve novick redacted sentence 2004
steve novick ice cream flame 2004
steve novick soap foam 2004
steve novick painting ii 2004
steve novick painting ii 2004
steve novick alien 2004
steve novick alien 2004
steve novick thermos bowl of peanuts battery 2003
steve novick thermos 2003
steve novick handmade sculpture assembled sculpture 2003
steve novick painting 2003
steve novick painting object and landscape 2004
steve novick painting object and landscape 2004